Create a new listing

Yes, the registration to ARTIST.LIVE is completely free of charge. There are no hidden fees or entry fees on our platform, our business model is based on the 15% commission we receive when a user books a service

  • A tool for artists

    Complete solution allowing you to manage all your services through a trusted third party.

  • Secure payments

    Financial transactions are managed via MangoPay, a reliable, secure online payment system

  • We are at your service

    We are at your service for any questions or suggestions. Call our hotline: (+33) (0) 8 06 11 00 07 (free call)

1 - Which kind of show ?

3 - Travel conditions

€ / km

2 - Define the details of your listing

incl tax

4 - Describe your listing

5 - Choose the pictures of your listing

6 - Enter the address that will be used as the basis for calculating the fees:
